Use "seaman|seamen" in a sentence

1. One from the engine room, one from the galley two able seamen, one seaman and one officer.

2. Able Seaman (AB) Ordinary Seaman (OS)

3. Whether it’s the ranks of Ordinary Seaman, Able Seaman, Leading Seaman and Master Seaman, or as an officer, opportunity abounds.

4. Leading Seaman – A higher class of Able Seaman.

5. To this end, a Cape Verde seaman is an ACP seaman.

6. Able Seaman - A promotion from the position of Ordinary Seaman.

7. At some point, he was promoted from Ordinary Seaman to Able Seaman.

8. An able seaman received about 25% higher pay than an ordinary seaman.

9. Candidates shall enter the programme in their naval equivalent ranks of Ordinary Seaman, Able Seaman or Leading Seaman as applicable.

10. Private (Pte) Able Seaman (AB) Private Recruit (Pte (Recruit)) Ordinary Seaman (OS)

11. The men emigrate to work as seamen.

12. Able Seaman/Woman Boatswain Chief Cook Cook-Steward Leading Seaman/Woman Steward Winch Operator

13. One' s an able seaman

14. One's an able seaman.

15. Not all on board were intrepid seamen, however.

16. No, the able seaman is.

17. Able Seaman (AB) Private (Pte)

18. Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

19. "Seaman is the greatest, says Shearer".

20. What is the benefit of military housing for the ordinary seaman, the able seaman, the non-tech killick?

21. 14 The seamen consider these cries a bad omen.

22. 1916 Seaman Ans Insberg is baptized.

23. Why should the ordinary seaman, the able seaman, the non-tech killick have to go and pay market rent?

24. A seaman used to visit us

25. Deck Department 1 2 3 Able Seaman/Woman Boatswain Leading Seaman/Woman 311 654 417 1.1 2.1 3.1

26. Bosun - a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls the work of other seamen boatswain , bo's'n , bos'n , bo'sun Jack-tar , mariner , old salt , sea dog , seafarer , seaman , gob , Jack , tar - a man who serves as a sailor

27. In the storm, many seamen wished they were on shore.

28. Pierson, Able Seaman D., 85 n.

29. Was he a merchant seaman too?

30. The seamen consider these cries a bad omen.

31. That young man is a experienced seaman.

32. People have often laughed at stories told by seamen.

33. The good seaman is known is bad weather.

34. Though people have often laughed at stories tole by seamen.

35. 19 They put in and took the marooned seamen off.

36. It was six hours before the seamen were discovered missing.

37. 151 open jobs for Able bodied seaman.

38. Able bodied Seaman – (A.B.) Apply Add to Cart

39. One from the engine room, one able seaman-

40. Lack of proper food led to much illness among seamen.

41. Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.

42. The Greek seaman went to the hospital five times.

43. Example: "Able Seaman Smith; lie Aft!".

44. Able Seaman/Woman Engine Room Rating Winch Operator

45. No wonder, perhaps, that Seaman dropped a brick.

46. Bill Bobstay, Boatswain’s Mate: Jack Chandler+: Ralph Rackstraw, Able Seaman: John Riesen^ Dick Deadeye, Able Seaman : Spencer Reichman* Captain Corcoran, Commander of H.M.S

47. Cameo Creeps Collectable Tiny Monster Paintings - Chris Seaman Illustration

48. Skavberg, Able Seaman R. J., RCN: lost overboard, 76.

49. 14 The good seaman is known is bad weather.

50. Able Seaman/Woman Blacksmith Chief Cook Electrician Winch Operator

51. * Still, the Phoenicians were expert seamen, and their ships were large and seaworthy.

52. Royal Navy casualties were 2 dead, Captain Rowland Money and 18 seamen wounded.

53. Able Seaman/Woman Dredge Supervisor Winch Operator 3 36

54. Shipowners shall endeavour to sign on additional seamen of ACP origin.

55. Poraries-SamuelBlodget (1806) and Ezra Seaman (1852)--Chieflyfrom federal data

56. Bergghen, Able Seaman Waldo, RCN: wounded in action, 110 n.

57. Need one able-bodied seaman, one oiler and one baker.

58. His father, a seaman, was lost at sea in 1940.

59. 1 The good seaman is known in bad weather. 

60. Riley, Able Seaman Eugene, RCN: wounded in action, 110 n.

61. Stewart, Able Seaman J. G. RCN: mentioned in despatches, 143.

62. Dynna, Able Seaman Gilbert, RCN: wounded in action, 110 n.

63. Shipowners shall endeavour to sign on additional seamen of São Toméan origin.

64. And he seemed to get closer to these seamen because of that.

65. Wrigley, Able Seaman Walter, RCN: wounded in action, 110 n.

66. Our story begins with a prayer of seaman Ans Insberg.

67. Dennis Boblet was a 21-year-old seaman aboard the U.S

68. Either me or Kenan had to stay as an able seaman.

69. Jodoin, Able Seaman E. M., RCN: severely wounded in action, 110.

70. Some would say not a great seaman, but a great leader.

71. The owners of EU vessels shall endeavour to sign on additional national seamen.

72. Although severely wounded, Atkinson rescued five seamen and was awarded the Albert medal.

73. The position with regard to merchant seamen on Tyneside is rather complex.

74. Adams, Able Seaman Aime, RCN: wounded in action, 110 n.

75. Some seamen, though, do not wait for the pioneers to call on them.

76. He had worked as a seaman and was a robust fellow.

77. For centuries, the Swedes were merchant seamen well known for their far-reaching trade.

78. Where a seaman fails to report at the date and time agreed for embarkation, shipowners shall be automatically absolved of their obligation to take the seaman on board.

79. Seamen/observers shall receive the normal seaman's rate of pay from the shipowner.

80. The owners of Union vessels shall endeavour to sign on additional Mauritian seamen.